What does DRSABCD Stand for?

DRSABCD is an acronym used in first aid and emergency response. It forms the basis of The Emergency Action Plan, which is an internationally recognised protocol that describes the correct sequencing order when you come across or are dealing with a patient.

It is important when dealing with a patient, you follow the steps in DRSABCD in the exact order.


Because this will ensure the best possible outcome for you and the patient.

Here's what each letter stands for:

D - Danger: Assess the situation for any immediate dangers or hazards. Ensure your safety and the safety of others before proceeding. On approach, look up, look down, look all around. Make sure it is completely safe.

R - Response: Approach the patient from above the head. This is your no strike zone, this is your safe area. The check if the person is conscious and responsive by using the COWS acronym:

  • C - Can you hear me?

  • O - Open your eyes

  • W - What’s your name?

  • S - Squeeze my fingers (offer only 2 fingers)

S - Send for help: Call emergency services Call 000 or 112 from mobile or ask someone nearby to call for help. Provide clear and concise information about the situation and location.

A - Airway: Check the person's airway to ensure it is clear. Tilt their head back gently, lift the chin, and open the mouth to remove any obstructions, such as food, vomit, or foreign objects.

B - Breathing: Check if the person is breathing. Look, listen, and feel for any signs of breathing, such as chest movements or sounds. If the person is not breathing, start CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) immediately.

C - CPR: If the person is not breathing, start CPR by performing chest compressions and rescue breaths. Follow the appropriate guidelines below.

D - Defibrillation: If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, use it as soon as possible. Follow the instructions provided with the AED to deliver a shock if advised.

Remember, DRSABCD is a general guideline. It is always recommended to receive proper first aid training to understand and apply these steps effectively.

To book your First Aid and CPR Certificate in NSW, click here.


The Importance of have a current First Aid Certificate in NSW