What does DRSABCD Stand for?
Michelle Sheffield Michelle Sheffield

What does DRSABCD Stand for?

DRSABCD is an acronym used in first aid and emergency response. It forms the basis of The Emergency Action Plan,

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What does CPR stand for?
Michelle Sheffield Michelle Sheffield

What does CPR stand for?

The goal of CPR is to deliver oxygenated blood to the heart and brain, which can help to preserve brain function and prevent permanent damage. But what does CPR stand for? How do you perform effective CPR? We’ll answer these questions here.

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How Long Does a First Aid Certificate Last?
Michelle Sheffield Michelle Sheffield

How Long Does a First Aid Certificate Last?

If you’re not using your First Aid or CPR training every day in your profession then it’s likely after a period your ability to recall your skills and act in a split second may fade along with your confidence. So, how often should you renew your training? Find out here.

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What to include in your Personal First Aid Kit
Michelle Sheffield Michelle Sheffield

What to include in your Personal First Aid Kit

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a First Aid kit to get started, but there are a few items we recommended you include that may not come in a standard first aid kit. Read about the items we recommend every first aid kit should include.

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